Electro-Oxidation Reactor
The OxiMiner™ is an electro-oxidation (EO) reactor designed specifically for industry leaders to ensure they meet increasingly stringent effluent discharge requirements.
While the Oximiner™ can be included in the WaterMiner® Platform as an additional oxidation and polishing step, the OxiMiner™ provides an excellent standalone treatment option for waters low in solids, with residual dissolved organic compounds. The OxiMiner™ is effective in the reductions of phenols, BTEX, PAHs, sulphides, and significant reductions of BODs and CODs.
OxiMiner™ Platform Includes:
OxiMiner™ – Electrooxidation Reactor
DC Rectifier
OxiMiner™ Benefits:
Available in three sizes to accommodate operational requirements.
Breaks down organic compounds prior to a final polishing step which can increase longevity of filtration media.
Compact and low power design makes the OxiMiner™ suitable for a straightforward addition to a pre-existing treatment system.
Designed for low maintenance and ease of use
Tertiary Disinfection and smell reduction